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Losses of the Holocaust

I made a Power Point here

These are the death count of the Jewish people during the Holocaust and the terrible ways that the Germans murdered the Jewish people. Here are the horrifying numbers

Total Jewish killed during Holocaust: 6,000,000+

Around 3.3% of the worlds population at the time of the Holocaust were killed at death camps

Around 66% of all of the Jews that lived in Europe at the the time of the Holocaust were killed under the direction of the Nazis and Hitler

These are the top killing death camps during the Holocaust, how many Jewish people died in them, and their methods of killing the Jewish people:

Number of Jewish people killed at Auschwitz death camp: 1,000,000+ by various methods

Number of Jewish people killed at Chelmno death camp: 150,000+ by various methods

Number of Jewish people killed at Belzec death camp: 600,000+ by gas chambers

Number of Jewish people killed at Treblinka death camp: 700,000+ by gas chambers

Number of Jewish people killed at Sobibor death camp: 200,000 by gas chambers

Number of Jewish people killed at Majdanek death camp: 50,000 by gas chambers

Many other kinds of people such as gypsies and prisoners of war were also killed in the death camps, but not in as significant number as the Jews.

Here are all of the methods of killing that the Nazis used on the Jewish and other kinds of people:

Gas chambers

Gas vans

Mass shooting

Poor living conditions Starvation


Death pits


Medical experiments

These were the numbers of Jewish people that were killed during the Holocaust, where they were killed, and how they were killed.

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