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Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust

By Doreen Rappaport 
Review by Me

The book that I loved reading and am reviewing is “Beyond courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust.” This book was written by Doreen Rappaport and published by Scholastic in 2012. This book is divided into parts, and within those parts, there are sections of stories from back during the Holocaust. I believe that this was the proper way to organize this book because there are so many things that happened during the Holocaust that this book would be very cluttered and all over the place. This book has actual stories and quotes from the people in the time of the Holocaust. This book tells us stories that Hollywood doesn't make blockbuster movies about and brings the attention the other side of WWⅡ. This side is about how brutal the Germans were the the Jewish people and how the Jews stood up for their religion and fought back against the Nazis. The author herself says “Even as a Jew, growing up in a Jewish household, I had only heard that “Jews went like lambs to slaughter” during the war. Researching this book, I learned that the truth was quite different.” Even as a Jewish person, the author didn’t know about how the Jews stood up against the Germans. This proves that the stories in this book are something no one has ever heard about before. One thing I love about this book and helped me fully understand it was that there are photos that were taken during the story that the author is writing about. Another thing that make this book so easy to understand is that there is an informative section about something that happened during the Holocaust and then there is a story that revolves around that information. In the first part of the book “Realization”, the author shows through first-hand accounts how the Jewish people in Europe were completely surprised when they were attacked by the Germans. In this section, the Jews realize that there lives would never be the same. Part four “The Camps”, shows how brutal, cruel, and unfair the Germans were the the Jewish people. This book also has maps, photos, blueprints, and floor plans to help you understand what is going on in the story that you are reading about. There is also an index if you just want to find a specific story or name. In this book, the author, Doreen Rappaport, is trying to inform us about how the Jewish people stood up the the enormous world power of the Nazis. I believe in what the author has wrote in the book and you should too because she has met with people who were there in the stories about the Holocaust. Also the photos, quotes, and first-hand stories made me believe that all of this was true. This book would be an amazing read to anyone who has an interest in history and likes to learn things that happened during the Holocaust. If you do read this book, think about what you thought the Jewish people did in Holocaust before reading, and then think about what you thought that they did after. Let me give you a hint at what you might think after reading this book and thinking about what I just said, “I can’t believe I didn’t know that!”

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